For those who have been successful in being offered a CfD Agreement and have signed this with the the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC), our interaction will commence once you have met the Initial Conditions Precedent as specified in the contract.
The first contact you will have with EMRS is that we’ll ask you to complete a Registration Form. This interactive process map will provide you details on such activities. When you click on each stage this will provide you with the requirements applicable, tasks to be completed and relevant supporting information.
- 1Registration
- 2EMR Aggregation Rules
- 3Settlement Required Information
- 4Operational Conditions Precedent (Metering and Settlement)
- 5Billing Statement
- 6EMRS Portal
1. Registration
Following a CfD Allocation Round Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) will provide EMRS will initial details of CfD Generators who have successfullysigned a CfD Agreement.
EMRS will send a CfD Generator a registration form to complete and this is part of WP24 – CfD Settlement Required Information.
Registration form requests:
- EMR Party ID
- Primary Company Email Address (day to day correspondence gets sent here)
- Bank Account Details
- Authorised Contacts and Users (G4 – EMR Settlement Authorisations)
- Interface method to be used in sending backing data (email or DTN)
- GSP Group and Connection Level
Where an EMR Party is a BSC Party, the EMR Party ID must match the Party’s BSC Party ID. For further information on BSC Party IDs please refer to the ELEXON website.
A completed excel form and a signed PDF form (must be a director listed on companies house) are required to be sent to Service Desk. Please also cc in the individual who’s signed the form.
Amending registration details
Please note: You may notice in the CfD Generator Registration Form that some fields are already filled in. This is based on information provided to us by the LCCC and these details cannot be changed unless you contact your assigned Contract Manager or email Contract Management who will inform us of these changes.
If you need to amend any of the details EMRS holds, you will need to return a completed WP31/1-EMR Party Details Amendment Form to the Service Desk. Please note that EMRS require both a signed (by authorised contact) PDF version and the excel version to be sent back. We also require an authorised contact to be copied into the email before any changes can be updated.
For further information, please refer to WP31 – Amending EMR Party Details.
2. EMR Aggregation Rules
The EMR Aggregation Rules are created and used to determine the metered volumes for a CfD Generator that is used in the Difference Payment calculations. The rule is based on the Metered Entity Identifiers (e.g. BM Unit ID or Private Network) and details about the site. A CfD Generator may have more than one CfD, and will have EMR Aggregation Rules for each CfD.
A CfD Generator will need to submit an Electrical Schematic Diagram (as per (Schedule 1 Part B 2.1 (D)) to LCCC to support creating the EMR Aggregation Rules with EMRS.
EMRS will send the CfD Generator a copy of their EMR Aggregation Rules when they’re created and when any subsequent updates are made. EMR Aggregation Rules does form part of WP24 – CfD Settlement Required Information and further detailed steps are in WP25 – EMR Aggregation Rules.
3. Settlement Required Information
A CfD Generator has to provide written confirmation from the CfD Settlement Services Provider (EMRS) that it has received and that the CfD Generator has in place suitable systems and processes to ensure the continued provision of the CfD Settlement Required Information to LCCC.
This is an Operational Further Conditions Precedent (Schedule 1 Part B 2.1 (A)) and is required to be met prior to the CfD Generator Start Date Operational Conditions Precedent. The purpose of the written confirmation is to provide evidence to the LCCC that EMRS has all the information it requires to be able to carry out the CfD Settlement Activities.
The activities CfD Generator are required to complete for CfD Settlement Required Information are detailed below:
- Complete the CfD Generator Registration form;
- Submit an Electrical Schematic to allow EMRS to determine the Aggregation Rule (can be same diagram submitted as per the Operational Conditions Precedent in the CfD Agreement Schedule 1 Part B 2.1 (D));
- Update the LCCC with the estimated Start Date;
- For a CfD Generator that is an Embedded Generator work with EMRS and the Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) in the Additional BM Unit registration process;
- Request written confirmation that EMRS has received the CfD Settlement Required Information as per Operational Further Conditions Precedent in the CfD Agreement (Schedule 1 Part B 2.1 (A) (i) and (ii)); and
- Submit the written confirmation to the LCCC along with a Directors’ Certificate.
WP24- CfD Settlement Required Information details the process steps for the above activities.
Once the template for ‘Written Confirmation Request’ has been completed, this request should be sent to the Service Desk. For a request to be deemed valid it must come from an Authorised Contact, either the Primary Authority or Finance Authority as detailed within G4 – EMR Settlement Authorisations.
Metering Pathways
There are a number of metering pathways that can be followed to submit Metered Volumes, dependant on the circumstances of the metering installation and whether they are part of the CM or have a CfD.
Metering pathways options available to CfD Generators are:
- Balancing Mechanism Unit (BMU); BSC Metering; This will be utilised for Central Meter Registration Service (CMRS) registered sites and metered volumes will be submitted as per the BSC processes and in line with the Settlement Calendar.
- Additional BMUs (A.BMU): Generators who are Embedded (connected to a Distribution System), with its Metering Systems registered in the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) require A.BMU to be registered to provide its metered volumes to EMRS. Further details of the A.BMU process is detailed in section of 6.3 of WP24- CfD Settlement Required Information.
- Self-Submission or Data Collector (DC); Private Wire (Network) CfD Generator can either submit metered data via self-submission or appoint a DC. The metered data will be sent to EMRS using a CSV defined file format uploaded via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).
WP195 – Capacity Market and Contracts For Difference Metered Data provides further details on these metering pathways.
4. Operational Conditions Precedent (Metering and Settlement)
CfD Generator is responsible for providing sufficient information to LCCC to demonstrate compliance with Schedule 1 Part B 2.1 (C), (D) and (E):
- OCP (C) Metering Compliance Obligation;
- OCP (D) Electrical Schematic Diagram; and
- OCP (E) Communications Equipment.
The required information is listed in G21 – Operational Conditions Precedent (Metering and Settlement) and is split per each type of Metering (i.e. Central Meter Registration Service; Supplier Meter Registration Service; Private Network).
These documents will be reviewed by the Metering Assurance Service Provider (Metering Agent) and they will validate them to confirm compliance with OCP (C), (D) and (E).
5. Billing Statement
Once Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) have confirmed the start date for the CfD Generator and EMRS are in receipt of the settlement data for that start date can the first billing statement be issued and then on a daily basis.
CfD Generators will be issued either an invoice or a credit note depending on the difference between the Strike Price and Market Reference Price. The Market Reference Prices are available on the Settlement Data webpage.
Billing Statement Payment Terms
A difference amount is to be paid (credit note) to the CfD Generator:
- LCCC has 28 calendar days from the relevant settlement date to make the payment
A difference amount is to be collected (invoice) from the CfD Generator:
- CfD Generator has 10 working days from the invoice date to make the payment
EMRS Settlement Calendar provides a schedule of when payments for CfD Generators will be invoiced, when payment is due, and if applicable, the Settlement Date and the Settlement Run.
How will I receive my Billing statement?
Depending on the method selected at registration, a CfD Generator will receive an email containing a PDF of the billing statement and CfD Generator Invoice Backing Data (D0365) in two formats, a .CSV and a .txt format. If opted to receive backing data over the Data Transfer Network (DTN), then the .txt version of the D0365 flow will be sent over the DTN. CfD Generators will still receive an email containing the PDF billing statement and .CSV backing data file.
How can I validate my Backing data?
The items’ names and further details of the CfD Generator Invoice Backing Data (D0365) data flow can be found within the Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC).
6. EMRS Portal
EMR Settlement Portal provides a secure and simple way to access your settlement files, i.e. invoices, credit notes, notices and backing data that is updated on a daily basis.
Due to the nature of the files available, access is restricted to registered EMRS Authorised Contacts:
- Finance Authority
- Primary Authority
- Finance contacts
- Operating Authority
G4 – EMR Settlement Authorisations provides details on the different Authorisation and the roles and responsibilities.