We are continually updating the Settlement Services we provide, to enhance the customer experience, to comply with the latest Regulations and Rules, and ensure it remains fit for purpose.
We work collaboratively with Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) for Contracts for Difference (CfD) and Electricity Settlement Company (ESC) for the Capacity Market (CM) schemes on all changes. As part of our governance the changes we undertake are approved via LCCC and ESC.
Latest Changes
This section highlights and provides transparency and visibility on the approved changes to our systems and services. Ensuring Capacity Providers, CfD Generators and Suppliers have the necessary information they need to prepare for any future changes.
For each change, the page will provide the following information:
- Overview
- Supporting Information
- Documentation
- Implementation
- Impacts
Types of change
The two main types of changes that are implemented are:
- Regulatory change
- Service improvement
Regulatory change are required to ensure the service remains compliant with changes to the Regulations and Rules to the schemes we operator on behalf of LCCC and ESC.
Service improvement ensures the service provided continues to be best in class to our parties (Capacity Providers, CfD Generator and Suppliers). This can include small improvements to processes and interfaces or more significant service improvements e.g. a new Service Desk platform. Service improvements can be delivered as small incremental changes or a larger package of changes. EMRS may seek industry views to help inform service improvements.
The change process
Governance for upcoming changes to the Settlement Services sits with LCCC and ESC.
If you have thoughts on future changes required to the schemes please do get in touch as follows:
- Regulatory changes please contact Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (DESNZ) and copy in LCCC.
- Capacity Market Rules please contact the Capacity Market Advisory Group (CMAG).
- Service Improvements to the Settlement Services please contact both EMRS and LCCC and ESC.
We welcome your feedback if you have any thoughts on future changes.