Below is a list of our frequently asked questions.

If you require any additional information please contact us.

What are authorised contacts and why do EMR Parties need them?


EMR Party information is required to be provided by Suppliers, CfD Generators and Capacity Providers via the Registration Process in order to undertake settlement service activities for Contracts for Difference (CfD) and the Capacity Market (CM) with EMRS. An Authorised Contact is someone recognised by EMRS to act on behalf of their EMR Party. This provides a framework to enable the delegation of certain activities to appropriate persons within their organisation, in line with their own governance and controls.

Further details regarding the Registration and Amending Registration processes are available in the Stakeholder Support webpage for your applicable role.

It is recommended you read G4 – EMR Settlement Authorisations which explains the Authorised Contact and the activities or information they are allowed to action or receive.

Is there a schedule of when payments will be invoiced and due?


Yes, this is the EMRS Settlement Calendar. This provides Capacity Providers, CfD Generator and Suppliers with a schedule of when payments will be invoiced or credited, when payment is due, and if applicable, the Settlement Date and the Settlement Run. The EMRS Settlement Calendar is available on the Settlement Data webpage for either role – select the drop down EMRS Settlement Calendar.

Does the associated backing data have a VAT line?


VAT is not included within the backing data or invoices indicating that VAT is out of scope. Please find the government rulings on VAT being out of scope for the Capacity Market at:

Where can I locate backing data?


Backing data is available on the EMRS Portal to download in addition to the agreed method that was selected. The backing data supports validating the invoice or payment received.

All EMR Parties (Suppliers, CfD Generators and Capacity Providers) have access to the EMRS Portal, though access is limited to certain authorised roles that have been registered through the EMRS registration process. These authorised roles are; Primary Authority, Finance Authority, Operating Authority and Finance contacts.

G19 – EMRS Web Portal User Guide provides further details on the EMRS Portal.

What happens if a Supplier lodges insufficient Credit Cover?


EMRS will review the amounts of Credit Cover lodged on a daily basis for CfD and on a monthly basis for CM to ensure Suppliers have met their obligations.

Escalating action will be taken if a Supplier does not meet their obligations and does not take action to rectify their position. WP42 – Supplier CfD Credit Cover and WP45 – Supplier CM Credit Cover provides the processes that are followed if insufficient Credit Cover is lodged.

Within CM a Default Credit Cover Register is published to illustrate who has not lodged sufficient Credit Cover and is available at:

How do Applicants or Capacity Providers lodge Credit Cover?


Applicants are required to lodge Credit Cover if they receive a notice from the Delivery Body confirming pre-qualification of their Capacity Market Unit(s) is conditional on providing Credit Cover.

The process that an Applicant or Capacity Provider should follow to lodge Credit Cover is summarised on the Stakeholder Support Capacity Provider webpage via clicking on the ‘Credit Cover’ process step.

In addition, all Applicant or Capacity Provider Credit Cover processes are detailed in WP35- CM Applicant /Capacity Provider Credit Cover Process.

What is a Capacity Market Notice?


A Capacity Market Notice is published by the System Operator at times when either:

  • System Operator Instigated Demand Control Event occurs; or
  • There will be an Inadequate System Margin (determined in the Capacity Market Rule Book), within the next four hours
  • The Capacity Market Warning must be published by the System Operator and the Capacity Market Notice will contain specified information.

For more information please see

What is System Stress Event?


A System Stress Event is a Settlement Period in which a System Operator Instigated Demand Control Event occurs where such event lasts at least 15 continuous minutes.  The event can fall within one Settlement Period or across more than one consecutive Settlement Periods. Where the event falls across multiple consecutive Settlement Periods, each of those Settlement Periods will be a System Stress Event.