Who we are

EMRS is the Settlement Service Provider for both CfD and Capacity Market schemes on behalf of LCCC and ESC.
- It is our responsibility to run the CfD Settlement System and operate the processes to enable CfD payments to be calculated and settled.
- For the Capacity Market it is also our responsibility to manage the settlement of payments to and from Capacity Providers and electricity Suppliers.

WP1 – Overview of EMR Settlement
The purpose of this working practice is to provide an overview of Electricity Market Reform (EMR) settlement process, for all the payments related to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) and Capacity Market (CM) schemes. It covers the receipt of …

Launch of My EMRS is coming soon!
EMRS, on behalf of Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) and Electricity Settlements Company (ESC) are excited to announce the launch of My EMRS on 1 June 2021.
This is a new digital solution for Capacity Providers, CfD Generator and electricity Suppliers to register and maintain their registration details. Moving these processes to a digitalised platform provides numerous benefits, such as a paperless registration process, reduction of manual processes and provides a real-time view of registration details.
We have produced a short video to show you My EMRS and highlight some of the key features in advance of the launch.
You can locate further information and useful FAQs on our new ‘About My EMRS’ webpage.