The Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) in its role as the CFD Implementation Coordinator, has published the CFD Implementation Plan for the 2014 allocation round on its Implementation Portal. The Plan gives potential participants in the Contracts for Difference (CFD) programme details of the key implementation activities and indicative milestones for the 2014 allocation round. The first version of this document was published by DECC in April 2014 as one of the outputs of the EMR Collaborative Development Programme.
The Portal provides access to relevant information, documents and publications concerning CFD Implementation. This includes information for CFD generators and suppliers, material from previous Stakeholder Events and Stakeholder Engagement Schedule.
How do I get access to the Portal?
If you haven’t received login details to the portal, please email [email protected]. The updated CFD Implementation Plan can be accessed by logging on to and entering your unique username and password, and then clicking the CFD Implementation Plan tab.
New LCCC extranet site coming soon
The Implementation Plan along with other key CFD implementation publications, will also be available on the new LCCC extranet site which is due to go live soon.